Best Reasons to Call out of Work How to Call out of Work

A car not starting may make missing work unavoidable, so you may have little choice but to call in at the last minute. However, this is something that may not be considered justified for more than one shift. The company likely expects you to get the issues fixed promptly or to make alternative transportation arrangements. Generally speaking, the passing of any loved one is a reason to call out to work. Whether you’re simply grieving or responsible for arrangements, you probably won’t be able to focus on your responsibilities, so staying home can be best.

  • While it’s OK to take time off to look after your child, spouse or parent, your boss might not enjoy you staying off work for your aunt or the neighbor’s cat.
  • You may need to think about why you are avoiding your job so much.
  • We probably have experienced being late, or we simply want to take some time off from work.
  • Let them know your car didn’t start in the morning, and you are currently bringing it into the shop.

He helps small businesses reach their content creation, social media marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising goals. Before we wrap things up, let’s talk about some poor reasons to call out of work. Giving these reasons as an excuse not to show up can backfire on you, as it can make you look unmotivated or lazy.

“I have to help my sister move dorms.”

Bad weather may also affect remote workers if it causes internet connectivity or power outages. In such a case, taking time off work until things stabilize is the only option; your boss will understand when you explain it to them. A personal issue or a family emergency is another acceptable excuse for not going to work. Your manager may want to know more about the crisis and ask you for some details. A sick family member or pet is another valid reason to miss work. If a close family member or pet is sick, you may be responsible for helping them get treatment and taking care of them while at home.

Is your bedroom flooding, did a wall catch on fire, is your kid sick with a virus, or did your dog chew through drywall? A death of a family member, friend, relative, neighbor, and so forth is a very good reason to miss work, as is a funeral. You shouldn’t have to go through the process of arranging for bereavement leave and providing a death certificate if it is a scheduled ceremony. Let’s hope your employer is as much of an animal lover as you are. If your pet needs to go to emergency or is throwing up all over the house or having explosive poops everywhere, you need to stay home and care for them.

You Need Maternity Leave

Explain to your boss the importance of the item and why you need to be at home to ensure its safe delivery. Your boss may ask you to confirm the delivery time and expect you to work a half day. If you don’t have a firm delivery time frame, explain to your boss that the delivery window is quite large, and you’re uncertain about the exact delivery time. Home improvement problems Problems with your home are reasonable reasons to get out of work. Perhaps your air conditioner is broken, you have a leaky faucet in the bathroom, or rain from a severe thunderstorm has flooded your basement. Explain to your boss that you have to address the problem immediately or it could get worse.

valid reasons to call out of work

As an employee of a New York employer, it’s a good idea to know what your employer’s policies are regarding paid, or unpaid, time off. This way, you know how to present your reasoning when requesting to take days off from work. Sometimes, you’re just not feeling it – you’re tired, stressed out, and just want to sit at home and watch Seinfeld on Netflix. However, you’re not actually sick, and you can go to work if you push yourself. Your boss may give you a day off to get back on your feet. If you had a flat tire on the way to work, it’s understandable if you won’t be able to make it. However, since a flat tire doesn’t take that long to fix, your employer might not want to give you the entire day off, instead being okay with you showing up late.


Unfortunately in many places of employment a point system is now in place and if the employee calls in too many times they are subject to the points being counted against them. Too many points can result in disciplinary action or suspension without pay. Because of this, employees are more prone to coming in sick to avoid the points situation.

9 really good reasons to call out sick – Ladders

9 really good reasons to call out sick.

Posted: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You may be requested to provide documentation in some situations to justify your reasons to miss work. Other employers don’t really care, and they know that employees use sick days for other reasons. In addition, follow your company’s policy on taking a leave. For example, call the office, send an email, or text your boss about your absence.

Calling Out of Work

Let them know your car didn’t start in the morning, and you are currently bringing it into the shop. Since you don’t have a method to get into work, you can request to stay at home.

valid reasons to call out of work

Whether you just need a day off and are looking for an excuse or you are wondering which reasons to get out of work your boss will accept as legitimate, read on. “Employers need to challenge this blinkered reasons to call out of work attitude, both for their own benefit as well as that of their employees,” said Glen Parkinson of AXA PPP Healthcare. As soon as you know you won’t be showing up to work, let your boss know.

Best Reasons to Call out of Work How to Call out of Work

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